My City Oil Painting Title: My city Media :Oil painting SIze:36×42 Year:2015 “My City” painting takes us to an entire different world where everything is of our imagination and full of positivity. My city, Composition,own technique Ghanta,Oil on Canvas Laqndscape Dokra -Resource Person at NCERT,New Delhi Achievement of somnath Biswas (6) Achievement of somnath Biswas (5) Achievement of somnath Biswas (4) Achievement of somnath Biswas (2) Achievement of somnath Biswas (3) Achievement of somnath Biswas (1) colorful-tradition-1 253219_442502222509898_113446671_n-225x300 colorful-tradition-2 colorful-tradition-3 colorful-tradition-3 watercolor (5) watercolor (4) watercolor (13) watercolor (11) watercolor (12) watercolor (10) watercolor (9) watercolor (8) watercolor (7) watercolor (6) watercolor (3) watercolor (2) watercolor (1) Spread the love Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ